Carry Kind Bags
Carry Kind curates and sells authentic preloved designer handbags and accessories. We offer a secure space to shop for luxury and classic second-hand designer bags at fantastic prices, allowing you to shop both sustainably and economically.
From iconic pieces like the Bottega Veneta Jodie to the coveted Hermès Birkin, Carry Kind gives you the chance to own some of the finest pre-owned designer handbags in the world, as well as rare pieces of fashion history.
At Carry Kind, authenticity and quality are our top priorities. Every used item is independently authenticated and thoroughly inspected for quality before being accepted and listed for sale.
PLEASE NOTE: Carry Kind and Seekprelovedbags are not affiliated, associated, or connected with any brands of pre-owned designer bags held or sold on this website and/or featured on the Instagram page of Seekprelovedbags or any linked accounts. Trademarks and copyrights belong to the original brands. All items are pre-owned.
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Preloved Louis Vuitton
Regular price £445.00 GBPRegular priceUnit price per -
Preloved Marni Double Handle Trunk Satchel Bag. Medium
Regular price £385.00 GBPRegular priceUnit price per -
Preloved Mulberry Sofia Hobo Shoulder Bag
Regular price £199.00 GBPRegular priceUnit price per -
Preloved Alexander McQueen Story Shoulder Bag, Small
Regular price £499.00 GBPRegular priceUnit price per